GLA:D – Good Life with Arthritis: Denmark

Fully reimbursed GLA:D program for HCF members

Who is eligible?

You must have private health insurance with HCF and: have held the cover for 12-months, have hospital cover which includes joint replacement surgery for at least 2 years, have premiums up to date and meet the clinical eligibility criteria.

Clinical eligibility criteria:

Members must be 18 or over, have a diagnosis of symptomatic hip & knee OA that is likely to require joint replacement surgery in the upcoming few years, not have had a total or partial joint replacement, not have participated in GLA:D in the previous 2 years, not have participated in the  Osteoarthritis Health Weight For Life program in the previous 2 years.


GLA:D is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis (OA). Tamar is accredited in this revolutionary new program and we’re excited to now be offering it.

What does the program involve?

  • An initial consultation explaining the program and assessing for suitability.
  • Two education sessions.
  • Physio supervised group training sessions twice a week for six weeks (12 total)
  • 3-month follow-up assessment

What are the benefits of the program?

Research from the GLA:D Program in Denmark found symptom progression reduced by 32%. Other outcomes included:

  • Less pain
  • Reduced use of pain medication
  • Increased levels of physical activity
  • Reduction is perceived need for surgical intervention

What conditions can the program help with?

The GLA:D Hip and Knee Program is designed for all individuals who experience any hip and/or knee osteoarthritis symptoms, regardless of severity. You may participate in the GLA:D Hip and Knee Program if you have a hip and/or knee joint problem that resulted in visiting a healthcare provider.

For further information check out the GLA:D Australia website

Alternatively, give us a call on 9528 2233 to find out more, book in for an assessment or to join one of our information sessions.
